Wednesday, March 23, 2011

It's All About Performance

Some of you who followed Mystery Aviation may wonder why we have started an alternate blog. It's both complex and simple at the same time. It's not really a matter of A, B, C. It's more a matter of EXP.

We have been flying Extreme Flight brand Torque  brushless outrunner motors and Airboss  Elite ESCs exclusively for five years now. Performance has been remarkable and reliability has been utterly spotless. Coupled with Extreme Flight's excellent customer service and tech support, it was fairly easy to strike up a friendly relationship with them, and that has only gotten better over time.

Great products, unparalleled support and nice folks. Things are lookin' mighty fine.

Last year Extreme Flight came out with their excellent new series of 48" airframes, designated "EXP." These planes featured a number of ground breaking design and construction innovations. Never before had we seen this sort of performance, and this kind of attention to detail in a small class airframe. They go together right and they fly right. The planes are so good that they are a little bit a good way, of course.

Built to Extreme Flight's usual level of superb quality, the EXP series became the planes to have, literally overnight.

So, I had to have one.

I was so impressed with my initial EXP airframe that I wanted another and another. As of now I have had two of the Extra 300, Edge 540T and MXS EXPs, and they are all so good that it is impossible to pick a favorite. I guess you could say that all of my EXPs are my favorite planes.

Since we have had such a remarkable success with Extreme Flight power systems, and with the EXPs being such superior airframes, it just made sense to streamline everything down to Extreme Flight all the way.  The EXPs stand alone in performance and quality, so it makes sense they stand alone on our blog. That's why we started a new one.

Unchanged is our long term relationship with Thunder Power RC. We tried a lot of different brands of batteries and chargers in the beginning, but we have always had markedly superior results with Thunder Power. As with Extreme Flight, when you have such a superior performing product, there's no reason to change.

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