Monday, June 8, 2015

A Flying Vacation

Over the past five years the only times I have not been building, flying, blogging, videoing, making artwork or offering set up support on RC Groups were the times I was in the hospital! This year I am breaking the pattern and going on vacation first so I won't have time to go in the hospital later.

I'm going to take some time off and just fly the planes, and if we get any video I will tag it on here as an update. Right now I don't have any builds planned or any ideas for articles, so it's an ideal time to recharge and just have some fun.

Some of these videos have been on my Facebook page, but never here or RC Groups. As you can see, we've been having lots of fun, and more is coming.

Update: 6/23/15
OK, this is not a video update, but it is worth documenting.

My friends at Thunder Power sent me two  3300mAh 6-Cell/6S 22.2V Lightning Series 55C LiPo packs. I found these to be very reasonably priced and I am on the verge of needing new packs for my 60" planes anyway.

I'll be dropping down from 70C, but with those packs and the Torque 4016 Mk II , I had more power than I could use anyway. I don't think I will notice any shortage of power at 55C. While I have not weighted them, they do feel lighter than the 70C packs, and they are considerably more affordable.

We are hoping to shoot today if the weather clears up. We will probably just hang out at the field and fly between showers, something you have to get good at if you live in Florida.

Update: 6/18/15

Update 6/15/15

60" Edge EXP

48" Edge EXP


48" Yak EXP




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