Friday, December 23, 2016

52" Extra EXP__Slo- Mo Theatre And Full Speed Remix

First, thanks to my friends in Russia! As of Dec 26th, Russians have visited my blog 1731 times. Thanks so much for your support!

Some of you may remember Edge EXP__Slo- Mo Theatre. That was a fun project, and we've decided to do it again with the fantastic new 52" Extreme Flight Extra EXP.

 Here is a collage of footage from previous videos, though remixed with some of the more awkward moments removed while retaining the awesome moments.

52 Extra EXP__More from Doc Austin on Vimeo.


Gandalf The Thunder Poodle has left us. He was a wonderful friend for the past 12 years and will always be in our hearts.

Since we so love our dogs, we wanted a puppy as soon as we could find a good one. Fortunately Gandalf's breeder had one puppy left and now she is going to retire, so we were lucky how it worked out.
As you can see, the resemblance is absolutely stunning.  This is Rambo The Rampage Poodle. Right now he's about eight month old and full of cuteness and mischief.

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